About US

The Beauty Spectrum is the new online learning platform for beauty professionals and enthusiasts.

Hi there, we’re
The Beauty Spectrum

The Beauty Spectrum is the new online learning platform for beauty professionals and enthusiasts. Our goal is to connect the global beauty industry through education.

Meet the founder of The Beauty Spectrum, Jada Rodriguez

Jada Rodriguez, the founder of The Beauty Spectrum has been a lash technician for almost 5 years while struggling with an autoimmune disease called Lupus. "As someone with Lupus, I often found myself physically and mentally drained. I had many more sick days than I imagined, and since my income was solely based on me showing up for work, something I couldn't always do with my condition, I realized I needed to find another source of income as a beauty entrepreneur."

The Beauty Spectrum is the new online learning platform for beauty professionals and enthusiasts. Our goal is to connect the global beauty industry through education. Whether they’re an expert or just starting out, our platform offers a range of continuing education courses and classes designed to enhance skills and knowledge in the beauty industry. As a student, they’ll have access to top-notch instructors and a library of resources to advance their career. As an instructor, you can share your expertise and skills with a wide audience, helping others succeed in this growing field.

What motivated us to start The Beauty Spectrum is the lack of work-life balance experienced by many beauty providers. We’re often expected to work long hours every day to make a living. As beauty entrepreneurs, we start to experience physical and mental stress, which can lead to burnout. Our career relies solely on us showing up and physically working with our hands, which means our clients depend on us, as does our income. We can’t take many sick days, and no matter what we go through, we need to push ourselves physically and mentally for our clients.

Having been in the beauty industry for a long time, I also noticed the abundance of extremely skilled beauty professionals worldwide and the desire of many people to learn from them. However, if you want to take a class from someone in California or London and you’re based in Florida, you may not have the funds to travel to these professionals, especially in this economy. The Beauty Spectrum offers an easy, affordable solution.

Moreover, I paid attention to how popular becoming a beauty professional has become. This platform provides a great way for anyone interested to take a class and see if they like it before committing to a $10,000-$30,000 beauty school. There are opportunities for both instructors and students. The instructors are beauty professionals skilled in their craft and wanting to reach a wider audience. Many of them are already running businesses and may not have the time to market their online course or class. Or they don’t want to trade their time for money anymore because there are only so many hours in a day.

For students, they are automatically connected to beauty professionals they can learn from. They can choose who they want to learn from while having a library of many different courses from many different instructors in various categories. They can look to see which one they are interested in and start learning right away.

Our core values

Make Education Accessible

Our goal is to create an online learning platform in the beauty industry, allowing you to learn at your pace.

Learn and Grow

Learn new skills and techniques from highly skilled beauty professionals.


Become part of a community of like-minded individuals, connecting with others who are on the same learning journey.

Join our community of worldwide learners and instructors

Growth starts with education. Learning a new skill is hard work— The Beauty Spectrum makes it easier.