Student Terms

Last Updated on: December 13, 2023


These Student Terms (“Terms”) govern the participation of students (“Students”) in courses offered on The Beauty Spectrum (“Platform”). By enrolling in a course, Students agree to abide by these Terms, which include provisions for course enrollment, student conduct, financial obligations, and other aspects relevant to their participation on the Platform.

1. Course Enrollment and Participation

  • Course Selection: Students are responsible for selecting courses that align with their interests and educational goals. Students should review course descriptions, prerequisites, and instructor qualifications before enrolling.
  • Active Participation: Students are expected to actively participate in their enrolled courses. This includes completing assignments, engaging in discussions, and adhering to course schedules and requirements.

2. Student Conduct

  • Professionalism and Respect: Students must conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner towards educators and fellow students. This includes adhering to the Platform’s Community Guidelines and engaging in constructive communication.
  • Compliance with Platform Policies: Students are required to comply with all policies and guidelines set by the Platform, including the Acceptable Use Policy and Privacy Policy.

3. Financial Obligations

  • Course Fees: Students agree to pay the applicable fees for enrolled courses. Payment terms, including the timing and method of payment, will be in accordance with the Platform’s procedures.
  • Refund Policy: Students must adhere to the Platform’s refund policy as outlined in the general Terms of Use. Understanding the conditions under which refunds are permissible is the responsibility of the Student.

4. Intellectual Property

  • Use of Materials: Course materials provided by instructors are for personal, non-commercial educational use only. Students must not reproduce, distribute, or otherwise use the content in a manner that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of the instructors or the Platform.

5. Student Obligations

  • Accurate Information: Students must provide truthful and accurate information during account creation and course enrollment. Misrepresentation of personal details or qualifications is prohibited.
  • Platform Engagement: Students are expected to use the Platform’s resources responsibly and not engage in activities that disrupt the educational experience of others or the operation of the Platform.

6. Account Termination

  • Breach of Terms: Violation of these Terms may result in suspension or termination of the Student’s account, at the discretion of the Platform.
  • Self-Termination: Students may terminate their accounts in accordance with the Platform’s account closure procedures.

7. Amendments to Terms

  • Changes to Terms: The Platform reserves the right to modify these Student Terms at any time. Continued use of the Platform by Students after such changes constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

8. Acceptance

  • Agreement to Terms: By enrolling in a course on the Platform, the Student acknowledges and agrees to be bound by these Terms.